
Blunt point


[*It's 8:00am and Vijay the DJ has started his talkback shift on radio. He says "G'day, you're with Vijay the DJ what do you want to say today?" Through the speaker we hear the caller say "I'm very concerned". "About what?", says Vijay. "Something important" is the reply."Yes..?" prompts Vijay noting it's now 08:03.The caller replies "It concerns me greatly and needs to be addressed". "What is it?", says Vijay. "... people taking too long to make a point." Vijay holds his and looks down in exasperation and weariness. It's 08:07am*]


Startled onboarding


[*Joe and Paul are waiting in line at the airport and the speaker above their head announces "This is a final boarding call". Joe looks up from his phone and asks Paul "Was that 'final' or 'primal'?" The speaker then emits a sudden "YEAAAAGHHHH!!!" frightening Joe and Paul. Joe throws his phone in the air and Paul's beanie flies off his head with shock. Joe says "Never mind" and they go back to waiting.*]


Sizeable tips


[*Professor Kettle in his hot rod barbecue zooms by Joe and Paul and says "When you have a new business idea test it small first". Joe ponders out loud "Hmm, test it small ...". As he zooms out of the frame Professor Kettle says "Marketing and production, NOT putting yourself in a shrink ray machine Joe!". Joe looks straight at Paul and says "I totally wasn't thinking that". Paul thinks to himself "You were totally thinking that."*]


Observation skills 1


[*Joe and Paul have taken Little Pumpkin out to teach her bird watching skills. Joe says "The key to bird watching is to keep still ...". Paul finishes the sentence with "... and be extra observant". Joe and Paul are focussed ahead over the bushes with their binoculars while Little Pumpkin is in her baby carrier on Paul's chest. A duck and ducklings waddle out of the bushes. Little Pumpkin points to them but Joe and Paul don't notice. An Eastern Rosella lands on Paul's head and Little Pumpkin points to it as it flys away. Joe and Paul put down their binoculars and Joe says "Maybe we'll see some tomorrow Little Pumpkin". Little Pumpkin thinks to herself "I've already seen two birds of a feather today".*]
