Goodbye Dolly

*Image Transcription:*


[*Four frame cartoon. Frame 1 - Joe and Paul are standing next to Little Pumpkin's cot. Joe is holding a doll behind his back and says to Little Pumpkin "Where's Little Betsy doll?" Little Pumpkin is tucked in and holding her hands out expectantly. Frame 2 - Paul says "Kids never forget Joe". Joe is still hiding the doll and says over his shoulder "She'll be right". Frame 3 - Joe bends over the cot and says "Here she is Little Pumpkin" as he presents the doll to a happier looking Little Pumpkin with outstretched arms. Frame 4 - The lights are out and via a faint glow we see Little Pumpkin in her cot holding her doll as she reaches up and purposefully scratches a seventh tally mark into the wood of her cot.*]
