Morning break

*Image Transcription:*


[*Four frame cartoon. Frame 1 - Joe is outside amongst some flowers. He has his hands on his hips and is jumping in the air as he double clicks his heels together. He is looking at a colourful awning and saying "Good morning awning, you window yawning." Frame 2 - Inside Paul's house Little Pumpkin and Paul are sitting on the floor playing with some blocks. They look up at the window with a little smile because they can hear Joe outside. They hear Joe say "Hello pillow, you fluffy fellow. Hi there chair, you comfy square." Frame 3 - Paul and Little Pumpkin look at each as Paul says "Your uncle either got a good night's sleep or he's about to snap." Frame 4 - Paul returns to the blocks and Little Pumpkin looks back out the window as she thinks "I'd bet my Betsy doll it's number two."*]
